Ana Paula (SaräAmma)
“Esta tarde hemos sido guiados a mirar por nuestra ventana,
justo a las 6pm de Portugal… hora en que se hacen las conexiones con Madre y Mikaël.
Nos hemos llevado una gran sorpresa al ver el sol… casi sin
brillo… mostrándose como si fuera la luna, en lugar del sol. Seguramente lo han
visto así antes… ó tal vez no.
Detrás de las palabras que se escondían en nuestro sol… sentimos
que llegaba un aviso de algo, pero no logramos entender qué…
Alrededor de las 8pm de Portugal, hemos recibido a
Padre-Creador, dejándonos unas palabras, que se asocian a lo que vimos en el
sol y el cielo de esta tarde de jueves.
Adjuntamos en este mensaje, las fotos tomadas por Domingos y
Ana, el día jueves 28/03/2013, a las 6pm de Portugal.
Que cada quien sienta… que cada quien interprete… que cada quien
Nosotros solo cumplimos con nuestra parte, de ser portavoces de
la Luz.”
a la puerta de algo grandioso…
a las puertas, estamos en el umbral de la nueva tierra prometida…
antes de sumergirnos en su luz y su grandeza… deberemos experimentar duras
pruebas, tanto personales como colectivamente.
días sombríos… días donde difícilmente encontrarán paz exterior; pero sepan que
la verdadera paz, y la verdadera luz, sólo se encuentra en vuestros corazones
de luz.
miren afuera… y solo vean caos y oscuridad… vuélvanse hacia dentro, y sientan
sus corazones conectados con la Divinidad. Allí, nada adverso podrá ocurrirles.
Allí, en ese lugar santo, solo lo bueno y maravilloso, a los ojos de Padre,
ocurrirá… y serán bendecidos… y serán acompañados.
no saben cómo mirar dentro… entonces miren al sol… que a pesar de ser arropado
por la oscuridad de las nubes cargadas de sol… encontrará siempre la forma, de
dejarse sentir a través de sus rayos.
al sol… y me encontrarán a mi… su Padre-Creador.
al sol… y sientan la conexión en su corazón… sientan la paz que les
proporciono, a pesar de lo que vivan a su alrededor.
más que nunca… en este tiempo presente… los necesitamos a todos, centrados en
sus corazones.
en la alborada…
a las puertas de algo maravilloso… pero antes de cruzar el umbral, tendrán que
atravesar duras pruebas, duras batallas…
y batallas que serán auto-impuestas por la sociedad, pero también de forma
las sombras con su luz… y encontrarán el camino que lleva al destino final, la
ciudad bendita que radica, nace y crece, dentro de mi corazón.
amados, son acompañados siempre.
vuestro Padre-Creador.
"This afternoon we have been guided
to look out of our window, just at the 6pm in Portugal ... the hour in which we
make the connections with Mother and Michael.
We have taken a big surprise to see the sun ... almost without brilliance ... looking as if it were the moon instead of the sun. Surely you have seen this before ... or maybe not.
Behind the words that are hidden in our sun ... we feel that it brings a warning of something, but we do not get to understand what ...
Around the 8pm in Portugal, we have received the Father-Creator, leaving us words, that are associated with what we saw in the sun and the sky in this afternoon of Thursday.
We enclose in this message, the photos taken by Domingos and Ana, on Thursday 28/03/2013, at 6pm in Portugal.
That each one feels ... that each one interprets ... that each one discerns.
We only carry out our part, by being spokespersons for the Light."
We are at the door of something grandiose ...
We are at the gates, we are on the threshold of the new promised earth ...
But before submerging ourselves in its light and its greatness ... we must experience hard tests, as much personally as collectively.
There will come dark days ... days in which it is difficult to find exterior peace, but know that the true peace, and the true light is found only in your hearts of light.
When you look outside ... and see only chaos and obscurity ... Return inward, and feel your hearts connected with the Divinity. There, nothing adverse will be able to happen to you. There in that holy place, only the good and marvelous, to the eyes of Father, will occur ... and you will be blessed ... and you will be accompanied.
If you do not know how to look inside ... then look at the sun ... how despite being wrapped in the darkness of the heavy clouds for sun ... it will always find the way, to be felt through its rays.
Look at the sun ... and to me you will find myself ... your Father-Creator.
Look at the sun ... and feel the connection in your heart ... feel the peace that I provide you, in spite of what lives around you.
Now more than ever ... in this present time ... we need you all, centered in your hearts.
You are at the daybreak ...
You are at the doors of something marvelous ... but before crossing the threshold, you will have to go through hard tests, hard battles ...
Tests and battles that are self-imposed by the society, but also of individual form.
Illuminate the shadows with your light ... and find the path that leads to the final destination, the holy city that is, born and grows, within my heart.
You are loved, you are accompanied always.
I am your Father-Creator.
We have taken a big surprise to see the sun ... almost without brilliance ... looking as if it were the moon instead of the sun. Surely you have seen this before ... or maybe not.
Behind the words that are hidden in our sun ... we feel that it brings a warning of something, but we do not get to understand what ...
Around the 8pm in Portugal, we have received the Father-Creator, leaving us words, that are associated with what we saw in the sun and the sky in this afternoon of Thursday.
We enclose in this message, the photos taken by Domingos and Ana, on Thursday 28/03/2013, at 6pm in Portugal.
That each one feels ... that each one interprets ... that each one discerns.
We only carry out our part, by being spokespersons for the Light."
We are at the door of something grandiose ...
We are at the gates, we are on the threshold of the new promised earth ...
But before submerging ourselves in its light and its greatness ... we must experience hard tests, as much personally as collectively.
There will come dark days ... days in which it is difficult to find exterior peace, but know that the true peace, and the true light is found only in your hearts of light.
When you look outside ... and see only chaos and obscurity ... Return inward, and feel your hearts connected with the Divinity. There, nothing adverse will be able to happen to you. There in that holy place, only the good and marvelous, to the eyes of Father, will occur ... and you will be blessed ... and you will be accompanied.
If you do not know how to look inside ... then look at the sun ... how despite being wrapped in the darkness of the heavy clouds for sun ... it will always find the way, to be felt through its rays.
Look at the sun ... and to me you will find myself ... your Father-Creator.
Look at the sun ... and feel the connection in your heart ... feel the peace that I provide you, in spite of what lives around you.
Now more than ever ... in this present time ... we need you all, centered in your hearts.
You are at the daybreak ...
You are at the doors of something marvelous ... but before crossing the threshold, you will have to go through hard tests, hard battles ...
Tests and battles that are self-imposed by the society, but also of individual form.
Illuminate the shadows with your light ... and find the path that leads to the final destination, the holy city that is, born and grows, within my heart.
You are loved, you are accompanied always.
I am your Father-Creator.
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